A Celebration of The Final Paladin

I am so excited to be chatting about this book today.

But first, let’s get the most important order of business out of the way.

Tonight, on Facebook, there is this party. The party. You should be there.

Not only did I just get 28 giveaways ready to be mailed in preparation, I happen to know there are quite a few more. (I’ve been working on it for ages; I should know.) ;)

And get this: The author is giving away a Mac Mini. A Mac Mini! Wow!!!

So, um, you should be there. Really.

Here is the link to join me tonight. (Or just click on the picture below.) RSVP away! I’ll wait.

Did you do it? Will I see you there! Yay! :)

Okay, so let’s talk more about this book we’re celebrating.

From the back cover:

Life for Peg Bowman is rough in the infamous slums of Five Points, New York, but her brother’s murder changes everything.

Thrust into incredible worlds beyond any story she’s ever heard, Peg meets Sir Godfrey, an eleven-hundred-year-old knight from Charlemagne’s court, trainer of Paladins. He reveals to Peg her family’s ancient obligation to protect the Key of Apollyon, a relic of immense power. She is the last descendant of the Paladins and his only hope for keeping it safe.

When Godfrey confides her brother was murdered because of the Key, Peg rejects her calling and demands revenge, a luxury she can ill afford as otherworldly creatures seek her death to claim the Key’s power for themselves.

Can Godfrey and his faithful retinue—Chim the Hobgoblin, Rebecca the Jewish Maven and healer, and Jack the sometimes human and sometimes seven-foot Black Dog—keep her safe and convince her that her calling is worth pursuing? Or will she succumb to the Key’s lure and wield it for revenge?

Um, wow! Good, right? Even better than good? I thought so!

This books takes a plethora of myths and legends and fairy tales and tangles them all together into this mass of literary goodness.

I was captivated from the first page, and I’m certain you will be as well.

So join me tonight to celebrate! And tell me what you think of the book.

See you there!

In Him,


P.S. Before I go, let me introduce you to the author of this incredible book.

T.J. Akers desires to be a multimillionaire when he grows up and give his wealth to his favorite causes: churches, schools, and animal shelters. Since the millions have been slow in coming, he’s settled for working as a computer technician for a state university and volunteering at his church and local animal shelter. Whenever possible, he indulges his love of writing stories to entertain people, especially younger readers.

Akers holds a Masters of English from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and can often be found roaming the university’s library, especially the children’s and young adult sections. Librarians have always been his heroes.

He lives with his beloved wife of thirty years, his dog, and two cats. The dog is an excellent writing companion, but the cats have proven to be rather critical. Learn more at www.tjakers.com.

You can buy his new release right here! :)