Meet Captain Red

This is the last day of my character art reveal! Sob!

But once again, Laura Hollingsworth exceeded my expectations, and I couldn’t be happier.

Captain Red is one of the most feared pirate captains on the seven seas, especially around Angleterre, or England. She’s ruthless, determined, and will gladly rob you blind with a smile on her face.

Unfortunately, since Ro has been sequestered away curse-ridden France, unable to get past the borders, she’s never heard of the pirate captain.

So when Ro hires her and her all-female crew to secretly follow her across the Atlantic (because she knows there’s no way to succeed without them, no matter what the English king says), she’s rather shocked to find out her captain is a pirate.

They are, after all, being hunted down and hung almost as fact as the sirens.

Ro doesn’t know how to feel about that, but Captain Red is just so darn likable.

Can Ro help bring peace to all the fighting factions, or will she have to choose a side and fight to the death?

(Man, that was hard to write without spoilers! Once again, I just want to tell you e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. . . .)

Meet Captain Red, one of the most delightful pirate captains ever!

Happy sigh. I’m just gonna sit here and stare for a hot minute . . .

A thousand times, thank you for joining me for this character reveal series! I hope you love my book when it comes out.

Watch this space (or sign up for my newsletter) for my upcoming release date for Silence the Siren!

Love you all.

In Him,


Up next: Did you know my children’s book, Ruby Dragon Kingdom, releases November 16th? No? (That’s probably because I forgot to tell anyone I was writing it. LOL!) Here’s the Amazon link to check it out if you have kids who love dragons (or are young at heart and love dragons).

More bookish news: If you sign up for my newsletter, I am giving away my ebook, Wisdom & Folly Sisters: The Complete Story. Part one and part two have been combined, revised, and updated with additional content. Enjoy! :D