Meet Olt

I can’t even tell you how excited I am to introduce you to Olt today.

(Okay, you may hear this every day I show you a new character sketch, but still.)

Laura Hollingsworth once again captured this character from Silence the Siren perfectly, and I can’t stop staring.

(I mean, honestly, can you?)

So before I show you his gorgeous face, here’s a little more about the deckhand, Olt.

Yes, he’s fully aware his name is a bit on the ridiculous side, but it’s sooo much better than what his mother named him. Which he isn’t telling anyone.

While this isn’t his first time as a part of a working crew, he jumped at the chance to be on the same ship as Huntress Ro LeFèvre. The rumors about her hunting skill are legendary, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued to see a siren for the first time.

Anything is better than going back home.

Besides, if anyone can keep the ship and crew safe, it’s the huntress, right?

He has an easy, lighthearted demeanor, and he can quickly diffuse tense situations and get people previously about to punch each other in the face laughing in the process.

Well, most of the time…

Ro is certain he only came on this voyage to plague her every waking moment, and she’s convinced he’s deliberately using the three-month voyage to the Caribbean to destroy her every last nerve.

No one can possibly be this cheerful, right?

And although Cendre finally has to admit to herself that she’s the tiniest bit smitten with him, she recognizes something isn’t quite right. She’s positive he’s trying to hide something with his carefree attitude, because the sadness in his eyes when he thinks no one’s looking matches her own.

Oh, these poor, darling characters. They have no idea what’s coming for them, do they?


And now I give you Olt, deckhand on the King’s Ransom!

Isn’t he gorgeous? I mean, seriously, I see what Cendre’s talking about here.

(I will not be smitten with one of my made-up characters. I will not be smitten with one of my made-up characters…)

Oh, who am I kidding? I’m totally smitten!

(Imagine a hearty-eyes emoji right here, because this is totally what my face is doing.)

And now here’s a little bit about Silence the Siren, book two of the Beast Hunter series!

Huntress Ro LeFèvre is offered a job to hunt a pest plaguing the Seven Seas. A siren has been sinking the king of Angleterre’s ships, and in turn, vast amounts of his wealth.


Fleeing heartbreak, Ro gladly accepts, but there’s just one problem. The king will credit the Marquis de la Valère, and no other women are allowed on the voyage.


Ro will just see about that.


Hiring an all-female pirate crew without the king’s knowledge, Ro hopes they will follow her to the Caribbean, not take the gold and flee.


But when Ro is plunged deep into the ocean by the siren she’s being paid to kill, presented the sirens’ side of the story at knife point, and pressed to join them or die, Ro must decide whether to complete her mission, join the sirens, or something in between.


Before the sirens sink the ship full of men above.

Thank you so much for joining me today! I hope you will fall in love with these characters as much as I have.

See you tomorrow!

In Him,


Next up: You get to meet my fierce huntress, Ro LeFèvre. I can’t wait to show you!