Happy Cover Reveal Day to Me!

Yes, “new books” as in plural. Three of them.

Can you believe it? I can’t.

If we’re being honest here, I actually wrote five books last year. (More on the other two later.) My cover artist and I have been working on these three covers for a while now, but I’ve been holding them back so I could show you all at once.

I’m so excited!

So, without further ado, here are my new book babies.






Are you still there? Of course you are.






Surely you expected no less from me than to keep you in suspense, at least for a little while.






Oh, come on! I’ve been dying to show you these for months! Do you feel at least a smidgeon of my pain?






Ta-da! Feast your eyes upon this gorgeousness from Sara Helwe Digital Arts!

Aren’t they divine? Isn’t Sara the best?

I mean, I can hardly stand how excited I am.

Check out my publisher’s site for closeups and book descriptions, and be sure to check back in (or sign up) for book updates.

I can’t wait to share these beauties with you!

(Oh! Before I forget: I also wrote Vampire Feud: Book Two in the Candace Marshall Chronicles, Quell the Nightingale: Book Three of the Beast Hunter Series, and Ruby Dragon Kingdom: Tales of the Cousin Kingdoms, but they all need major edits.)

(Tales of the Cousin Kingdoms is a five-book series based on stories I’ve been telling my kids for years, so I finally put the first one down in book form. They. Loved. It. So I’ve got the whole series outlined, books two and three partially written, and I know nothing about delving into this new, magical realm of children’s fiction. But I’m learning.)

I can’t wait to share release dates!

Thank you for your patience while you’ve been hounding me–ahem, I mean, asking me–for the next book in the Beast Hunter series as well as more from Candace Marshall, my resident scaredy-cat.

Love you all!

In Him,
