New Sci-Fi Series: Diverse

You. Guys.

If you’ve been looking for a new sci-fi series, I’ve found it for you!

You may have seen me asking for good sci-fi book recs (and you may have heard me raving about Brand of Light by Ronie Kendig, which released just a few weeks ago, and which I got to read early—be still my heart!) since I haven’t found too many that were written just for me.

Well, you guys. You guys. I love these books!

Here’s a little bit about both books so you can decide for yourself if they belong on your must-read list!

(Hint: They do. They really do.)

Diverse Similarity, book one:

An enemy—or a friend? No way to know except the forbidden touch of an alien mind.


Kena is the only human in a multi-racial starship crew. She’s admired for her navigational skills, but her race is viewed as problematic. Cultural differences abound, seasoned by unexpected similarities. Those lacking telepathic abilities have another disadvantage. Kena presents the crew with a paradox. She cannot be a telepath, and yet she is.


Their challenging mission strains every limit and claims lives. When an enemy discovers their presence, Kena is captured. As both guest and prisoner, she finds the PitKreelaundun race much harder to comprehend than any she has known. They entwine kindness with cruelty. Worst of all, their telepathic practices are intolerable to a human, threatening Kena’s sanity and life. Mutiny is forming among her captors, rescue is impossible, and diplomacy fails. There is only one way out—something that Kena must never do.


Diverse Similarity is the first novel in a compelling science fiction series by Sharon Rose. If you are intrigued by alien cultures, rich characters, and dangerous adventures among the stars, this book is for you. Read it today and explore not only outer space, but the spirit within.

Diverse Demands, book two:

She could use forbidden telepathy to prevent an alien war. But will her own people call her a hero or a criminal?


Kena, a lone human among aliens, forged a truce with her enemies by promising a controversial telepathic link with their future leader. They claim this is the foundation of lasting peace. But what are these obscure problems they now hide? Why is TarKeen, her strongest supporter, suddenly missing? Will their future leader be executed before Kena can reach her?


When another human joins Kena’s crew, he creates as many problems for her as he solves. Dissension sparks among her allies. Despite his interference, Antony does have a form of wisdom—unwelcome, though it is. Now, her decision is that much harder.


If Kena succeeds in fulfilling her risky promise, will anything be left of her career? And what about her and Antony?


Diverse Demands, the sequel to Diverse Similarity, is packed with adventure, intrigue, and rich alien cultures. The story explores just how far a person will go to solve the unsolvable. If you like classic science fiction merged with a Christian worldview, this book is for you.

Don’t they sound amazing to you too? ***heart eyes***

Also, Firebird by Kathy Tyers was just highly recommended to me. Which out of these three series mentioned have you read, and which did you enjoy most?

And have you read any other sci-fi that I simply must read too? I’m seriously enjoying this genre so much right now.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

In Him,
